Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Research investigations - Miss representation quotes

The following quotations come from the documentary entitled “Miss representation” and deal with issues of false and bias female representations in the Media, which help contribute to a patriarchal society.  Some are statistics the documentary presents via on screen graphics where others are specific quotations from contributors.

  1. ·      Teenagers on average, spend 10 hours 45 minutes a day consuming Media
  2. ·      Girls learn from a very early age, the most important thing is how they look
  3. ·      53% of 13 year old girls are unhappy with their bodies, by 17 the statistic is 78%
  4. ·      Rates of depression among girls and woman have doubled between 2000 and 2010
  5. ·      The ideal image of beauty is becoming more extreme and impossible than ever before – Jean Kilbourne
  6. ·      Girls measure themselves against an impossible standard and end up feeling left wanting
  7. ·      The non content form of the media has to be backed up and supported by the content
  8. ·      A lot of advertising is based on making people feel anxious and insecure – Jean Kilbourne
  9. ·      Girls learn to see themselves as objects– Jean Kilbourne
  10. ·      American woman spend between 12-15 thousand dollars a year on beauty products
  11. ·      The number of cosmetic surgery procedures performed on youth under 19 more than tripled from 1997 to 2007
  12. ·      At 7 years old little girls and little boys want to be president of the United States in equal number, 30%, ask the same question at 15 and a huge gap has occurred – Caroline Heldman
  13. ·      In areas where females have challenged male power, males have responded by representing them in a way that assists in taking their power away – Jackson Katz
  14. ·      Congress has the fewest amount of woman in 30 years
  15. ·      Females own 5.8% of all TV and 6% of radio
  16. ·      97% of publishing companies are owned by Males
  17. ·      Woman comprise only 16% of all writers, directors, producers, cinematographers and editors
  18. ·      10% of writers of film are female
  19. ·      People tend to employ reflections of themselves – Lindy Dekoven
  20. ·      We replicate the world we grow up in – Film Director
  21. ·      The representation of females in film has become much more narrow and cartoon like than in the 20s, 30s, 40s and 50s
  22. ·      In the 1990’s studies found a steady increase in explicitly sexual images in advertising
  23. ·      The exploitation of female bodies sell products
  24. ·      Males are taught to not express emotion
  25. ·      Females are represented as young
  26. ·      You  cant be what you cant see
  27. ·      Females are not represent in the Media for doing something, they are represented for how they look
  28. ·      Many woman are empowered, but not represented in the Media
  29. ·      The majority of females on TV are between 20-30, 71%
  30. ·      39% of woman in the world are under 30
  31. ·      Woman are represented as natural enemies of woman
  32. ·      The Male Media represents females in power trivially, often concentrating on appearance, which influences audience’s opinions of females in power
  33. ·      Females are represented as emotional and irrational
  34. ·      Only 16% of protagonists in film are female
  35. ·      In between 1937 and 2005, there was only 13 protagonists in animated movies who were female. All apart from one of them had the aspiration to find romance – Greena Davis
  36. ·      As a culture woman are brought up to be fundamentally insecure
  37. ·      Were socializing boys to believe being a man is being in charge and dominate – Jackson Katz
  38. ·      More than 20% of teens have sex before the age of 14

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