- becomes corrupt by misusing his power. First seen as Joanne (the mothers) love interest. Gains Mia's trust and then sleeps with her.
- stereotype of male - in power, head of the family.
- leaves when they are vulnerable
Propp - in the beginning Mia could be represented as the princess because of her family situations and Connor (the hero) being the first person to encourage her and give her hope.
By the end Mia can be seen as the villain, taking away Kiera (Connor's daughter)
Joanne (mum) : subverts from the stereotypical 'caring' and 'domestic' mother role. Lives in underclass suburban council flat. Aggressive towards children, not loving. however also stereotypical as we see that the family cannon function without a man (connor when he leaves).
Sin City (comic book and film noir)
Nancy: (post modernism - femme fatal/love interest mix)
She is objectified though the eyes of a male and camera techniques however compared to other characters such as Goldie she is not consciously objectifying her self.
Stereo Typical 'Princess' - propp: she's captured bu Rourk Jr. saved by John Hartigan who she later falls in love with.
John Hartigan: Stereotypical protagonist: struggles with heart condition.
- Trench coat worn to symbolise hero/investigator etc. (film noir and comic book convention)
The Yellow Bastard/ Rourke Jr. : represents a villain in Sin City.
Yellow - connotation of sickness and infection, smell, gross etc.

Again has the trench coat when in 'action' to symbolise his hero figure.
Senator Rourke: Father of the yellow bastard. frames Hartigan of capturing/raping nancy when it was actually his son.
comic book/film noir convention - middle aged which man of much power turns corrupt.
Cardinal Rourk (Church): Father of 'Kevin the cannible' protects him from his crimes. lives in mistrust - convention of film noir (relates to the cold war living in paranoia) Lives hiding away in the church.
Again white middle ages man with a lot of power becomes corrupt.
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